Monday, December 30, 2019

Mistakes You Want To Avoid To Not Lose Clients

In this world of emerging internet users and the rise of competition, it is very hard to lose a client or to hold on to. Losing a client is both, a loss to the business and disappointing at the same time. It is ironic how one simple mistake can cost you, long-term clients. Well, in this blog I will tell you some important mistakes to avoid to not lose clients.

Slow/Late Responding:

The client already knows there are a dozen companies that are providing the same services as you, or better than you. So you have been always alert and never be late in responding to the client.

Lacking Courtesy:

Every client is special and they want to be treated as special, after all, they are giving you their money. So, always go the extra mile in delivering them or, making them feel special to maintain their trust in your company.

Ignoring Client Feedback:

Client satisfaction is the number one priority here, and, the best way to do is by asking them for suggestions and improvements. In return for those suggestions, you can always welcome them. Failure to do with client feedback will result in driving them away.

Treating Differently:

Every client is equal, and so, they should not be treated differently.
The moment your clients know that they are being treated differently, they will be bound to walk away from you and your business.

Hidden Fee:

No one likes hidden charges and to pay extra money. Most businesses charge more money in terms of hidden charges create a sense of discomfort and reliability to the clients, and, you do not want that to happen.

Push Too Hard For The Deal:

It is advised to make your voice heard and your pitch about what you are selling, but never push too hard for it. The client, on the other hand, becomes discomfort by you forcing him into something. Trust in yourself, the sale will happen if it is meant to be. 

Work In A Mess:

Your first impression is and always be the last impression. So always make you and your business along with your office tidy for a good and professional experience to the client. Everyone loves to do business in a clean environment, makes it more professional.

Overpriced Services/Products:

Pricing is a sensitive matter, and, can create misunderstandings between the client and the business. Always enlist every breakdown of the services or the product you are selling, and have a survey around the market for the concerned services/products before posting your own. Remember, always go the extra mile.

Underestimating Your Competitors:

With emerging businesses every day and every second. Losing several clients can be very dangerous. Same as losing clients, underestimating your competitors can be dangerous as well and can cost massive. So always pay good attention to what your competitors are doing and their strategies to promote their business and hence, their clients.


As you can see, there are a ton of mistakes that people do which causes them to lose clients over time. Make sure to undo these important mistakes just to have that edge amongst your competitors, and trust me, your clients will go a long way.

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